hat4toads.com Day Forecast

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No moon
Wind: 10 mph

Toad Forecast for
Monday March 17th, 2025: 0 toads

Six hour avg52
Rain factor (1.0-3.0)2.23
Two day avg54
Low temp50
Prev day290
Raw Forecast0
Total pred so far580
Final 0

This is the hourly weather forecast for Monday March 17th, 2025

TimeStampTemperature2Day AvgWeather forecast
00:00:006055Showers And Thunderstorms
01:00:005956Showers And Thunderstorms
02:00:005856Rain Showers Likely
03:00:005756Rain Showers Likely
04:00:005556Rain Showers Likely
05:00:005456Rain Showers Likely
06:00:005355Rain Showers Likely
07:00:005155Rain Showers Likely
08:00:005055Chance Rain Showers
09:00:005155Chance Rain Showers
10:00:005255Chance Rain Showers
11:00:005355Chance Rain Showers
12:00:005455Chance Rain Showers
13:00:005455Chance Rain Showers
14:00:005555Chance Rain Showers
15:00:005455Chance Rain Showers
16:00:005455Chance Rain Showers
17:00:005355Chance Rain Showers
18:00:005155Chance Rain Showers
19:00:005055Chance Rain Showers
20:00:004854Partly Cloudy
21:00:004754Partly Cloudy
22:00:004554Partly Cloudy
23:00:004454Partly Cloudy
Counts Live Dead
